Monday, April 16, 2007

So we started the tour...

... last night in Hollywood, CA. It was the first show with Luis and to say that he passed with flying colors would be a MASSIVE understatement!!! He kicked some major ass in the show and it was the first time in a loooooooooong time that we felt that natural and had that much fun on stage!

Anyway, the show itself was good (we got to knock the rust off in front of all our friends) and the venue is great (it's called "The Gig"). It was really nice to play Hollywood and NOT have to deal with a ton of attitude! Actually, the venue was so cool that we are looking to END the tour where it began. So, after our short but hectic run through the mid west, we will head back to the Gig at the end of May... and quite possibly use that venue to record a live DVD! Sounds cool, huh? Yeah... I thought so too.

So now it is off to tour with us. Check back for more ramblings (we DID promise to be better about that) from the road and I will keep you up to date with that DVD stuff when we get closer.


- Jay


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