Sunday, August 21, 2005

Another day in Sin City

Back in Vegas for another show at the Hard Rock. Hit the stage at 10:30pm last night and blew the top off the Hard Rock. Seriously, this one went off without a hitch. Probably our best show yet and certainly one of the most fun. (Actually, "FUN" doesn't do it justice. You don't understand, my head is spinning. After this trip... I might be sore for a month!! )

Thanks again to everyone who came out, to Brahma beer and to the Hard Rock for helping put the whole thing together. Pics should be posted shortly after we get back to LA.

- Jay

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Day 1

Hey there boys and girls, how the f*#k are you?

Just got to Vegas and we're getting ready for our acoustic show tonight at the Hard Rock. First stop of our '05 west coast "tour" (which is spread out over the next 3 months and ranges from Vegas to Portland.)

Anyway, the band's first road trip of 2005 is going quite well. Got hooked up by the Hard Rock with a nice room (across the street from the cafe) and Josh and I are just running the set real quick. Gary and Dave (as promised) have begun their search for alcohol. Good thing we are taping the show... they might not remember it too well.

Alright there, kiddies... gotta go get the set down so I can be liquored up for the show.


- Jay