Tuesday, January 31, 2006


We're half-way through the mix process, and are very pleased with the results. Doug Kern (dougkern.com) has been pouring his heart and soul into the mixes, and they sound amazing. We can't wait to get the record out to you all (March 3). We'll be setting up an online store and playing a venue near you, so be ready for it ;)

I'm too tired to write more. My brain hurts


Friday, January 20, 2006

good times

We are nearing completion of Vicious Truths and Precious Lies. Drums are done. Guitars are done. A couple more for bass and vocals. Next week is production week, where we will add backing vocals, additional guitar parts, programming, bells, whistles, and I think even a kitchen sink on the last song. Not sure about the sink yet...

We begin mixing on the Jan 28, and will have a completed, mastered recording shortly thereafter. Look for new music on the myspace page in early-to-mid Feb.

Picture day was a couple days ago, and we're really stoked on the proofs. It was a lot more fun than picture day in high school, that's for sure. Jessica Sterling (www.jessicasterling.com) did an amazing job. New pics will be up soon.

And as always, send us your info so we can play a show in your town. The bus is rolling.

Peanut butter and jelly in the same jar is the epitome of laziness.


Monday, January 16, 2006

red eyes

As I start this, it's 4:11am...

This weekend has been a flurry of activity. Editing, recording, re-writing, re-recording. Last night, Josh and Jay called it a night at 4:45am, having done more guitar tracks than should be humanly possible. I lucked out and was able to go to sleep around 4:30.

We began tracking bass at 11am, and had a pretty big set-back when I fried my hard-drive. Fortunately I'd been backing up, so all we lost was some editing. Not like a week ago, when we lost all the guitar tracks for one song, and had to re-record them.

Tonight we officially have one song finished: "Damn You," our first single. We have a video for it already (you know you're impressed. When have you ever heard of a band shooting a video before the song is done being recorded? Boo-yah!), and it will be included on the upcoming Vicious Truths and Precious Lies CD. We'll have that ready for you all on March 3, so start saving your pennies.

4:20am. Time to drive home and prey there's a parking spot somewhere near my building (doubt it).


Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Jay just informed me that today is Friday the 13th (I didn't even know it was Friday...I'm a dullard). So yeah, don't die or whatever, if you're into that sort of thing (superstition). We need all the fans we can get.


Recording tomfoolery

Ladies and gentlemen, we are officially working to the max. We are currently running three separate sessions to get the album done in time. This is the magic of digital recording. Never before has recording been so efficient. Today, for example, Josh is spending the day at the studio, tracking Dave's bass parts, while I am at my apartment comping drum tracks and Jay is at his place editing guitars. That's right folks, four guys, three sessions. Efficiency is a beautiful thing.

Target date for having the album back in our hands: March 3. Target date for getting them to you: immediately thereafter.

This time, a quote from Planters..."enjoy our consistenly fresh taste nut after nut after nut!" word.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Drums are finito

We tracked drums for the album in two marathon sessions Jan 2 and 3. Guitars, bass and vocals start today. Our goal is to have the album completely mixed and mastered by the first week of Feb. Wish us luck, and if you see us looking particularly tired, unshaved and disheveled, you'll know why. Buy us a burrito or something, and it'll make our day :)

I'll leave you with a quote from Herm Albright...
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
